Sorell L. Schwartz, PhD Profile Photo

Emeritus Faculty
Sorell Schwartz is Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology. His areas of concentration include quantitative systems pharnacology and pharmacometrics; adverse drug reactions, human subject and clinical trial ethics, and causal assessment methods for drug and chemical injury. Research approaches are primarily through computer simulation of biological processes to aid understanding of those processes. His has focused on physiologically-based pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling and its application to such areas as exposure assessment, target-tissue concentration estimation for risk assessment, and the design of dosing regimens for experimental drugs. His most recent work concerns bio-mathematical approaches to understanding and modeling nonlinear dynamical behavior in cancer immunotherapy and other systems. He serves as a primary resource for clinical trial pharmacokinetics. He has extensive experience in the assessment of adverse drug reactions in the clinical, regulatory and forensic settings, and continues to have responsibilities for such assessments at Georgetown.

Nov. 12, 2023

Three Men, Three Stories

Today on Specifically for Seniors, we're going to do something just a bit different. We have three guests who are here to tell you three completely different stories about parts of their lives. You've met two of them on previ...
May 9, 2023

Sorell Schwartz, PhD - What you must know about the meds you are taking

Dr. Schwartz explains the confusion between the FDA and CDC and their roles, the importance in taking our medications as directed, the interaction among our mutiple medications, the difference between side effects and adverse effects, the efforts toward deprescribing, the proper way to stop a medic…