Occupational Therapist
Jodi Bornstein is an Occupational Therapist with Hebrew Senior Life’s Therapy House Calls program. Jodi was born in Montreal, Canada. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy (OT) from McGill University in 1999 and earned her Master of Science degree in OT from Tufts University in 2004. Jodi has enjoyed her first 24 years as an OT in a variety of clinical settings such as acute care, acute inpatient neurological rehab, skilled nursing facility (at Hebrew Rehab in Roslindale), and since 2013 in Hebrew Senior Life’s “outpatient at home” program with Therapy House Calls. Jodi loves working in this program, where the primary focus is helping residents identify what truly matters most to them as they work toward living their lives with meaning, purpose, and the utmost functional independence possible. Jodi has a particular interest in brain health and has been working with a dynamic interdisciplinary team at Orchard Cove, MA on optimizing the pillars of brain health in the daily lives and culture in senior living. Jodi has published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy and for the last 6 years has been a guest faculty member at the Massachusetts General Hospital’s Institute of Health Professions. Jodi has also lived in St. Petersburg, Russia, where she volunteered in a pediatric clinic for a year, and in Helsinki, Finland. She loves to cook and enjoys working on her food blog https://redgatekitchen.com/. She is hoping to complete her first plant-based cookbook by the fall of 2023!
When not working, Jodi loves spending time with her husband Simon, her three kids – Zoe (14), Jonah (12) and Mia (9), and of course her two year old pup, Fozzie.