David Cain Profile Photo

Citizen Climate Advocate

Hello. I am a member of the Silicon Valley North Chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) in the San Francisco Bay Area, serving in the role of Grassroots Outreach coordinator. I also lead CCL’s national Presenters & Schedulers Action Team.
Some ten years ago I retired to become a full-time climate volunteer advocate. My professional career was wonderful and muti-faceted. I was fortunate to be able to do a lot of interesting things and lucky to have worked with some truly gifted people. But CCL tops it all!
I spent 30 years in energy R&D prior to co-founding a company specializing in environmental pollution accounting software used by heavy industry enterprises worldwide. This included a product line helping companies account for greenhouse gas emissions. I have PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle and undergraduate degree from U.C. Berkeley.
I enjoy hiking, cycling, researching and thinking about climate change. My wife and I dote on five grandsons.

March 16, 2025

The Citizens' Climate Lobby with David Cain

The news that the Trump administration plans to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency's offices and the future implications of Trump's energy policies on the environment and climate led to my concern about how it will...
Guest: David Cain