Old People - the movie and real life

There is an absolutely awful horror movie on Netflix called Old People. I seriously recommend that you DO NOT waste your time watching this movie. The basic premise is that old people in Germany have been relegated to a "retirement home" with abusive staff, unliveable conditions, and family that never comes to visit. As a result, these old people go on a murder spree, indiscriminately killing most of the guests at a wedding nearby.
Now you know why I recommended that you DO NOT bother watching the movie.
There was a bit of social worth at the end (spoiler alert for anyone tempted to watch) that essentially pointed out that this killing spree could have been averted by treating our senior generations better. (In case you are tempted to watch - the only people to escape are two kids and a nice grandfather who saves his two grandchildren. I seriously hope that this kills - couldn't help that, sorry - any thought you might have of watching.)
Why do I bring this up?
As I mentioned in a previous blog, Arline and I are moving from Florida to Massachusetts. Facing the move, Specifically for Seniors had to be put on the back shelf until November, but we will be back. Among the topics we will continue to discuss are the way seniors are treated, scams and spams, senior guardianship, and ageism. We have some fun topics and comedians scheduled as well, some art and photography topics, some science and some new (maybe live) events. We will be awarding Specifically for Seniors prizes for some contests we will be conducting.
For my friends in Valencia Cove, I don't know if I will be allowed to stay on the Camp Cove page once I leave, so if you are interested in being notified about the upcoming podcasts, please visit SpecificallyforSeniors.com and sign on to the mailing list.
And that goes for everyone interested in the podcast, SpecificallyforSeniors.com is where to sign on to our mailing list to be notifed about podcasts, live broadcasts, contest. No spam, I promise!
Help me cover topics that you are interested in and let me know what guests you would like to hear and we will do our best to get them scheduled for you.
Meanwhile, until we talk again, tell your friends and family about Specifically for Seniors and stay connected.