Specifically for Seniors is a podcast for seniors with subjects of interest, entertainment and information critical for older adults


Embracing an Uncertain Future

There are a plethora of podcasts that are focused primarily on older adults that discuss heathy eating, exercise, dementia, retirement, fun and games, travel, and brain health. We've been there ourselves. But, at least for now, Specifically for Seniors is going to change its focus.

A New Role for Specifically for Seniors

Change is an integral part of growth, and as we progress, it becomes crucial to adapt and evolve. Our country, and in fact the rest of the world is undergoing a change.  The values of the free world have changed with the second presidential election of Donald Trump. We are as close to a constitutional crisis as this country has e ver been and we, at Specifically for Seniors, feel that we must participate in trying to change course.

Reflecting a Changing World

Throughout the last three years, Specifically for Seniors has attempted to bring conversations of interest, importance and just plain fun to you, our listeners. We have talked with artists, politicians, authors, physicians, historians, journalists, comedians, biologists, retirement experts, political activists and other podcasters. We have tried to engage a younger generation in our podcasts.

But in our more than 90 podcasts, we have never become actively involved in attempting to change our world. The current president and his sycophants, however, have forced Specifically for Seniors to change direction. We older adults must make our voices heard to create a better life for ourselves, our children, grandchildren and beyond.

President Trump, in just the first few weeks of his presidency, has imperiled our democracy, the democracy that so many before us have fought and died for. In light of the current administration’s hostility to issues that directly and indirectly affect the interests of the senior community, Specifically for Seniors is planning to play a significantly greater role in advocating for those issues that affect our listeners, and their families and generations to come.

Broadening Our Horizons

While our original name still targets seniors, we realize that our podcast's content must appeal to a broader audience. 

We will be talking about how we, as senior citizens, can play a more active role in protecting our democracy and advocating for issues that play a role in our daily lives because we feel that Specifically for Seniors must play a more active role in the process, a role where listeners become actively involved in preserving our democracy and challenging inequities in our government.

Specifically for Seniors hereby issues call to action, urging older adults to accept our responsibility as advocates to work toward transformational change in our communities, government , our world and in ourselves

Become an advocate for change. Invite your friends and family to listen to our forthcoming podcasts at SpecificallyforSeniors.com and learn how you can become an essential part of the process.

So, if you're thirsty for knowledge, companionship, humor, improved mental and physical well-being and a purpose in life, grab your favorite beverage, and tune in to Specifically for Seniors. Let us be your trusted companions as we quench your thirst for for knowledge, companionship, humor, purpose in life, and physical and mental health and well-being.

So until we meet online, this is  Specifically for  Seniors

Let’s talk.


Tell Yours at Specfically for Seniors

In case you hadn't noticed, Specifically for Seniors has a special section called YOUR STORY.  This is a special section where our listeners/viewers can tell us a special story of their own. Just let us know you are interested and we can set up a time for you to record your story.